Saturday 16 August 2014

How to Recover Deleted Data From Computer

 Recover Deleted Data 

Computers are used everywhere.  Whether at a huge company like Google or at home, computers have taken over our world. Computers have reduced the effort of humans in its accuracy of numeric calculations that are of very large range and beyond our limits. Since computers are programmed to obtain accurate results, they are very important in today's world as we greatly depend on them from day to day.

Computers store large amounts of data, 1 Tb or more in some cases. This data includes photos, videos, songs, audio files, portable documents and other many files. We are all aware of the importance of this data in today's world especially when it comes to businesses and governments storing all its entries in computers. Huge databases are created and this data is really important to these businesses. Losing this data may cause losses of millions of dollars. So, it is very important to keep the data safe as well as utilize the services of  Secure Data Recovery if needed.
Unfortunately, accidents can take place any time. You may delete the data stored in the hard disk accidentally or you format the drive incorrectly and all your data is lost within seconds. You might think you have lost your data forever and can never get it back. However, there is nothing to worry about because we have one amazing data recovery program that will help you recover all of that deleted data. 
There are so many data recovery tools available online. This datarecovery software will allow you to get back your deleted or lost data back to your device. This amazing software will also help you to recover the data lost from: mobile phones, memory cards, pen drives, external hard drives, etc.

How does the software help to recover the data from computer?

Whenever the data or file is deleted from the computer it disappears physically but actually it remains in the system until it gets overwritten by some other file. Wise recovery software knows this concept and then scans for and finds all such lost files and recovers them back to the system.

What are the scenarios under which wise recovery will recover the data?

Data can be lost any time anywhere but you don’t need to worry anymore because this software will allow you to recover the data lost under following conditions:

  • Accidental deletion,
  • Accidental format,
  • Operating System failure,
  •  Abrupt shut down due to power failure,
  • Virus attack.
So under all the above conditions your data will be recovered successfully by wise recovery software.

What are the different file formats that can be recovered from wise recovery software?
Almost every file on the computer can be recovered by this software. The list is as follows:

  • Document files and portable files like: doc, docx,
    ppt, pptx,pdf, mdb, xsl, cvs,pst, Outlook files etc.
  • Audio or songs formats: MP3,WAV.
  • Photo or pictures or image formats like: BMP, PNG, GIF, JPG JPEG TIF etc.
  • RAW camera files: CRW, CR2, ARW, NEF, etc.
  • Video or other clips formats like: AVI, MPG, MOV, MPEG, ASF, MP4, 3GP, MTS, MTS, etc.
Many recovery software programs are tested by CNET users and many of them has been declared as the best data recovery software available. They have also been given 5 stars by almost every user. So if you have lost your important data and need to get it back, you should use wise data recovery software because it is the most trusted. In later posts we will also discuss data recovery for the Mac operating system so stay connected.

Friday 15 August 2014

Wi-Fi Hotspot In The US Run Faster In Speed Than 4G!

While it might just seem like a commonly accepted fact that finally Wi-Fi would give faster speed then 4G, but in several other countries you get to view a different scenario. As per the reports of OpenSignal, U.S. LTE, speeds tend to be slow, but eventually trying to make improvement in this area.

As per the recent reports on U.S. WiFi Speeds by OpenSignal, there is an interesting nugget of information, which would be quite grasping news for many.

Network measurement firm revealed that the Wi-Fi speed which are available in hotels, retail stores, coffee shops, are relatively faster than the overall 4G network speed. Whereas, when a Smartphone user gets connect with a free Wi-Fi hotspot at around 8.77 Mbps, they tend to receive only 6.52 Mbps on a LTE platform and merely 4.31 Mbps on a HSPA+ link.

This was the recent information, which was available from OpenSignal’s data, which undergoes millions of tests through its effective crowd sourced network measurement app.

Well this might not come across as a big shock for many of you. One of the main reasons why people generally switch over from LTE to Wi-Fi is because it gives more bandwidth. However, this area is exception in the US, which has developed a well-built 4G infrastructure. Places like Australia, Sweden, the U.K., Japan and Korea, have LTE connections outpacing the public Wi-Fi networks. Carries such as Everything Everywhere of the UK have reported that there is a gradual decline in the area of Wi-Fi usage from their customer’s device.

However, why such a discrepancy? Well, it has to do a lot due to the way in which the US has made arrangements in its 4G section. It was amongst one of the very first countries to move ahead with large-scale LTE network, however, all of these networks were originally built on small fragment of spectrum. While the US carriers in the area of their download channel utilized 5 MHz or 10 MHz of spectrum, European carries had around 20 MHz East Asian and Australian carriers already using LTE Advanced carrier aggregation methods to pile up huge amount of spectrum in their respective networks.

There is one more reason also. The US comes with an excessively high LTE penetration level. Near about half of the entire LTE global connections towards the end of 2013 was there on the US networks as reported by the GSMA. This literally means that our network is gradually getting crowded with greater amount of people competing for the same level of capacity. You can coalesce this demand with even smaller size of our pipes and you will get a clear picture as in why the U.S. come almost at the end as per the reports made by the global LTE speed rankings.

However, there has been quite a number of new network construction works that has been seen in the U.S. this very year. Verizon has lately constructed a fresh LTE network in several of the major cities at new frequencies. It claims at providing twice the speed in several areas than what it previously generated. In addition, AT&T is following the same track and has utilized carrier aggregation to join in networks together. In around every 6 months time span, T-Mobile is increasing twice its capacity of its current network.

Thursday 14 August 2014

Stay fit with the Google vs. Apple rivalry

Stay fit
Rivalry – a word often associated with duels, fights and has no remote connection to “staying fit”; in this case however could make you more fit. As wide spread urbanization is evident with increasing job schedules and busy timelines, our body is becoming lethargic and prone to diseases never seen before. Thus, there is a spurt of general awareness about keeping oneself fit and running.

Technology in inherent in modern life and exists in every sphere – fitness is no exception. Thus, the demands for fitness gadgets and such apps on smartphones are on the rise. The fact that Google and Apple are the two titans of the smartphone race along with forays in other gadgets, it is no surprise that both are up with corresponding tools to help developers and customers in this fitness race.

Google Fit vs. Apple Health Kit

Apple’s health kit is basically a SDK (Software Development Kit) which is already available to the developers on iOS8. Along with a dedicated dashboard to track your fitness data, the SDK comes with access to the health data for developers as well as user permissions. Thus, your fitness data could be handed over to a fitness app that relays it back to your doctor for a real-time monitoring of your conditions. Google’s Fit is basically the same package just built for Android and integrated with Google’s services. The SDK for developers is available by a developer preview version of Google’s upcoming Android L this fall.

Taking Sides

As with choices, people are bound to take sides. While Android leads in market share worldwide, Apple reaps in the most profits – which tells you a lot about customer behavior in respective platforms. Thus choosing one over other will boil down to the fact that which one you prefer or which eco-system you are tied onto. Further, both have lines up numerous companies to support these SDK and develop augmenting hardware and software. While Apple has paired up with many clinics to analyze and send personal recommendations to your information collected, Google has partnered with Hardware manufacturing units (as it is primarily a software vendor), which form the likes of Motorola, Asus, Adidas, Intel, Nike, Runtastic and RunKeeper.

The Future of Staying Fit

As we embrace technology more, it creates wonderful opportunity to help with your daily lives. With improving medical diagnostics, electronic device miniaturization and improved sensors, tracking your blood glucose levels or your pulse rate is becoming ever easy. This is probably a start in perhaps a long run of more sophisticated and advanced fitness regime coupled with equally advanced hardware and software to help you in those. Thus your gadget – smartphone/tablet/ultra-book might be your savior one day.

The future looks bright for technology augmented fitness gadgets. Moreover,Apple and Google both realize this and have promptly released their Health-based SDKs to developers and will soon release features for consumers on their various OS/devices. With an ever-increasing demand in fitness gadgets and more adoption of such technology, the future is surely spicing up as the giants lock horns to bring new tools enabling developers tap the potential.

Using Technology to Improve Business Functions

The way businesses operate these days is a lot different to how things used to be. At one time there was no email, software or even computers. Businesses had a real struggle to reach out to new customers and provide a high quality service. Nowadays however, technology has exploded into practically every aspect of the business world. There’s software for everything these days including situational awareness software and it can really help to improve your business functions.

More marketing opportunities than ever before

Companies rely heavily upon marketing to draw in new customers and build up their brand. If you’re looking to reach a larger audience, the internet can help. From social media to mobile marketing; there are hundreds of ways you can get your business name out there. Not only allowing you to benefit from free advertising, social media helps with customer interaction too. Being able to interact with your customers helps to build trust; especially if you use it to answer any questions or complaints your customers may have.

Reducing employee workload 

One of the main benefits technology has had for businesses is the fact it’s lightened the load for employees. All sectors within a business can benefit from a variety of software that helps to improve efficiency. Situational awareness software is a good example. Helping to improve the security of your company, this software can be an essential investment. You can even cut costs by having your security cameras, devices and sensors converged. HR software is also available, helping out with payroll and document management.

You can find out more about how technology can help to cut costs in the free white paper produced by the MakingITClear blog.

Boosting productivity

If you’re looking to make your workplace a more productive one, technology is there to help. The right software can free up time that can be spent on other parts of the business. Helping your employees to achieve more in their working day can only benefit your business. Whether it is helping them to print out marketing materials or keeping in touch with customers via email; providing up to date software can really help to boost productivity in every sector of your business.

Improving staff morale

For employees, one of the biggest advantages technology has brought to the workplace is flexible hours. Employers are now able to offer their staff more flexibility. Free video tools such as Skype have made it possible for employees to keep in touch with the office no matter where they are. Many are able to work from home and fit their work around their family’s needs. This has really helped to boost morale in the workplace and has in turn helped to boost productivity. You can find out more about the telecommuting benefits that technology has delivered on the Small Business website.

Overall there are many ways technology can help to improve your business functions. As advancements are continually made, businesses can expect to see further improvements as time goes on. Investing in the right software is the first step to improving your company.

Bioluminescent Sharks Strengthens its Survival with Newly Evolved Eyes

 Image credit: Dr. J. Mallefet (FNRS/UCL)
According to a recent study promulgated in the journal ‘PLUS ONE’, it has been observed that the luminescent sharks that used to dwell in the ‘Twilight Zone’ have gone through a certain evolution that allows them to see through the dark. These animals thrive at a depth of about 650 to 3,300 feet (200 to 1,000 meters), a bleak region known as the mesopelagic twilight zone, where hardly any sunlight can penetrate through.

The eye with the Superpower

Bioluminescence appears as brief as a flash and the ability of the sharks to see and tell whether it is a potential mate, lunch or a predator is an ability possessed by these species. These creatures possess a greater density of light sensitive cells in their retinas or to be more precise, higher amount of rod densities inside their eyes, while some have even acquired ocular adaptations allowing them to see the glimmering lights they use for signalling each other.

To predate they can camouflage themselves in the realms where hardly any light can perforate through. Nevertheless, this light also helps the sharks to find partners both for predating and mating purposes, one of the best examples, being the glowing lantern shark that possesses evolved sexual organs with light-producing capabilities that help attract its opposite sex, even in the dark.

Result from further studies...

Now, there always arises a question when it is about an optical system, be it an eye or a camera, whether there is a compromise in either the light sensitivity or the resolution, as most deep-sea animals are visual modality for light sensitivity and not resolution.

So, Claes and his confrères examined the shape of the eye, the structure and mapping of the retinene cells of the five known species of deep-sea bioluminescent sharks namely four lantern sharks (E. splendidus, E. spinax, Etmopteruslucifer andTrigonognathuskabeyai)and one dalatiid or kitefin shark (Squaliolusaliae) have been observed to have undergone through these evolutions, using a light microscope and other ophthalmic instruments.

The research workers compared the eyes of other non-bioluminescent sharks that account for the 45 of the 50 known shark species, and discovered that the luminescent ones have a higher density of photo-sensitive cells in their eyes, cognized as rods than the others, which gives the luminescent ones improved temporal resolution, or to be more precise “faster vision”. (For example, Persons possessing slower vision, when they would watch a tiger chasing its prey, they would only see disjointed frames of the chase compared to a smooth movement of the chase.)

Thus having more immobile vision allows them to quickly see the modifying light patterns, they usually use to interact with each other.

A further study has helped the scientists find a layer of tissue, just behind the retina which helps reflect and increase the light available to the photoreceptors. Gaps between the lens and iris have also been found that allows extra light to reach the retina, along with light absorbing rods at the back of their eyes.

A Few Words for Thought

Thus, it is well evident that with evolution taking place in almost every form of living, the ocular system of the bioluminescent sharks have also co-evolved with their photoluminescence, thus allowing its species to endurefrom getting endangered or extinct.