Tuesday 28 June 2011

Lightsaber keychain or key ring of the Jedi

To give a little balm to the heart of fans of the Star Wars saga, the Firebox site introduced on its website a key ring inspired by the legendary lightsaber in the film. Key rings are named "Star Wars Lightsaber Keychain." Available in three models. These are actually torches emitting bright lights. Choose from: Yoda model with a green light, the model Luke has a blue light and the model Darth with a red light.

Pottermore: the site of the future of Harry Potter

The aim of Pottermore is to Combine community and business aspect. On this site devoted to Harry Potter fans will be able to navigate the character, but also buy the novels exclusively in digital format. J. K. Rowling has a sense of business. The author of volumes recounting the adventures of Harry Potter launch in October a portal that showcases the fans of the wizard.

Breakdown, the concept car that runs on wind energy

The wind, so the energy source on which rests the concept car designed by Thierry Dumaine. The student designer has designed a vehicle called the least common Ventile. The silhouette of the car resembles that of classic cars from the turn of the century. Mounted on four wheels without tires, lightweight fan. She accuses only 350 kg on the scale. To power its electric motor, the car has a large turbine underneath the chassis.

Supersonic, a concept car that bears its name

Marko Lukovic Serbian expressed his vision of the automobile of the future by introducing the concept Supersonic. The name is quite revealing in this car out of the ordinary. The vehicle design is innovative. It looks more like a flying supersonic at a car. It's all about aerodynamics. Rather compact, Supersonic displays an aggressive look and sophisticated. It has two seats only, the two are installed in tandem. A dark glass covers the roof of the vehicle and also serves as a windshield. Supersonic has three wheels, one front and two rear. 

Google tackles Facebook

Was expected for several months. + Google will be the new attempt by the Mountain View company to catch up in the social Web. An assemblage of bricks accessible community currently invitation only.
"You got an invitation? "This is certainly the phrase that we will read the most tweets and Facebook status of geeks in the coming weeks. By the way Buzz, whose idea was ultimately not as successful as expected, Google has + just on the rarity of its access to mention him.